- Discover Design Thinking through a practical case study and a wide array of formats: videos, articles, activities...
- Implementation of foolproof techniques to spur new ideas
- Introduction to preparing and facilitating collective workshops
- Using the power of empathy and intuition
Module 1: Discover the value of Design Thinking - Understand why innovation matters for business - Review the many shapes of corporate innovation - Discover how design drives innovation - Evaluate your organization’s readiness for Design Thinking
Module 2: Prepare for Design Thinking and understand user needs - Decide on objectives, users, context and your team - Frame your design challenge - Observe users closely and run an effective user interview - Practice empathy at work
Module 3: Identify the right problem to solve and imagine creative solutions - Synthesize user research with empathy mapping - Redefine your design challenge based on user research learnings - Generate creative ideas that address user needs - Narrow down ideas to explore further
Module 4: Build and test solutions and perfect your practice of Design Thinking - Explore prototyping methods and build a prototype - Leverage user testing to improve your prototype - Discover the foundations of storytelling - Package and pitch a solution