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Prends rendez-vous avec Claire !
Elle répondra à toutes tes questions :

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Format et déroulé des formations
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Financement CPF, les démarches et son fonctionnement
Explication en détail de la valeur ajoutée des formations et de la correspondance avec ton profil et ton projet
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Rendez-vous avec Simbel
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More knowledge in less time. Perfect for curious people who love to learn, busy people who don’t have time to read, and even people who aren’t into reading.

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Personal development
Soft skills 💪

1 year access to Blinkist

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emoji d'un héro1 year access to Blinkist

L'organisme de formation

1 year access to Blinkist


Almost none of us have the time to read everything we’d like to read. Yet we lose countless hours to activities that bring us little joy such as commuting, chores and staring at our phones. What if we could turn these little blocks of unallocated time into precious and rewarding moments for learning and reflection? Founded in 2012 by four friends, Blinkist now connects 22-million readers worldwide to the biggest ideas from bestselling nonfiction via 15-minute audio and text. So what makes us tick?

La certification

La communauté